3 Spring Activities for Seniors to Enjoy


March 20, 2020

What are some of your favorite springtime activities? We understand that after being cooped up all winter you are ready to get out and enjoy some longer days and some beautiful sunshine. That is why we compiled a list of our favorite activities to enjoy in the spring. 

3 Spring Activities for Seniors to Enjoy!

  1. Enjoy nature
  2. Have a picnic
  3. Work in the garden

Enjoy nature

There is nothing better than just being outside and having the warm sunshine on your face. When you can sit outside and hear the birds chirping, enjoy conversation with a friend, and sip on a cool glass of lemonade. Being outside will help lift your spirits as you can sit back and enjoy the life that is happening around you. If you enjoy doing a little more than sitting, that is good news. Nature has a lot to offer you, especially during the warmer months of the year. You may also want to consider doing a little exercise with a friend like starting a walking club or doing some stretches as the sun comes up. Whatever you decide to do, there are plenty of things available in the spring. 

Have a picnic

Who doesn’t enjoy eating? I think every human being enjoys eating and sometimes a little too much. Putting together a great lunch with a sweet dessert is a great way to find some time to be outside and enjoy the sun. It’s also a great way to get your friends and family together and enjoy some quality time. You can schedule a picnic lunch once a month to help everyone pencil it in on their calendars or you just be spontaneous.

Work in the garden

Have you ever wanted a garden? Well, if you have spring is a great time to get one started. Garden’s are great to have because they provide fresh and delicious food, they give you something to take care of and be proud of, and they are just fun to do! If you need help getting to the store or finding the right things to plant for your area the Internet is full of helpful resources or you can ask your local lawn and garden department for more helpful tips. 

We hope you have a safe and happy Spring! Always remember that if you don’t feel qualified or able to take care of your loved one, we can help. To learn more about our assisted living, long-term living, or rehabilitation services, be sure to give us a call at (937) 319-8924.