The health benefits of having pets around

Health Tips pets

July 20, 2020

If you’ve grown up having a pet around or you find joy in seeing a friend’s pet then you know just how important they can be to living a happy life. But, did you know that pets can also have important health benefits for you? It’s true. Having a pet in your life that you see on a regular basis can really do wonders for your mental and physical health. 

The 4 benefits of having pets around:

  1. Promotes a healthier heart
  2. Reduce Stress
  3. Boost your mood
  4. Petting dogs releases hormones

Promotes a healthier heart

Studies show that those who are dog owners are less likely to get heart disease due to the amount of exercise they receive. Dog owners are more likely to walk more than non-dog owners. Petting dogs is also known to lower your blood pressure, as well as the dogs. Studies also show that those with heart problems tend to live longer when they have a dog around than those who do not. 

Reduce stress

As we mentioned earlier, petting dogs helps reduce your blood pressure! Petting dogs and cats also release a hormone in your body that helps promote relaxation and reduces stress levels. Not only do they reduce stress, but having an animal with you in public can help increase your social life as people are more likely to walk up and talk to you if you have a dog or cat with you. Having friends is good for the soul.

The health benefits of having pets around

Boost your mood

Do you want to be happier? Studies show that those with pets are less lonely than those who do not. Pet owners also tend to have more life meaning and have a greater sense of belonging. If you have a pet yourself, you know just how true this is.

Petting dogs releases hormones

Researchers have found that petting a dog can release a few different hormones in your brain such as cortisol, serotonin, prolactin, and oxytocin. If you know anything about anti-depressants you know that they increase your serotonin levels – which is what petting a dog also does. This is why having a pet around can be a great mood booster. 

No one should be without a friend and that’s why we believe pets make great friends and also have great benefits when it comes to your health. If you are looking for independent living, assisted care, long-term living, or rehabilitation services be sure to give us a call at (937) 319-8924.