Christmas Gift Ideas for those in Assisted Living


November 20, 2020

The season of gift-giving is swiftly approaching and you know what that means! Another year that you have to find something to give your Mom and Dad. It’s hard we know. How do you give a gift to someone who doesn’t need or want anything? 

Christmas gift ideas for those in assisted living:

  1. Personalized gifts
  2. Activity gifts
  3. Musical gifts
  4. Technology gifts
  5. Surprise gifts

Personalized gifts

You know what your loved one wants more than anything! Is there something you can make them that they don’t have? What about painting or drawing a picture that they can hang up in their room? Putting your favorite photos into a photo album to share with them all the fun things that happened? Getting their name or the family name engraved on something that they can cherish would be a fantastic gift as well. 

Activity gifts

What does your loved one love doing? Do they have coloring, painting, doing crosswords, puzzles? What about playing board games or cards? All of these gifts are something that can keep them busy as it gets colder outside and there isn’t much to do. 

Musical gifts

Music is something that reaches every generation because of its timeless quality. Does your loved one have a favorite artist that you could search for a record for? What about buying them a new record player that they can listen to their favorite records on? Music is able to transport your loved ones back in time and who doesn’t want to revisit the golden years? 

Technology gifts

Technology can be hard to understand, especially for the older generation — but with cold and flu season approaching technology is a great way to keep in contact without being face-to-face. Consider buying things like iPads, wireless headphones, or charging stations that they can use to help them stay in contact with you when you aren’t around. 

Surprise gifts

Who doesn’t love a surprise? Consider getting an empty box and filling it with all of their favorite things like snacks, necessary clothing items, and activities to keep them busy. Sending this box during Christmastime or any time of the year would be a great gift to receive. 

Always remember that if you don’t feel qualified or able to take care of your loved one, we can help. To learn more about our assisted living, long-term living, or rehabilitation services, be sure to give us a call at (937) 319-8924.