3 Health Benefits of Sunlight for Seniors


April 20, 2021

As the temperatures warm up, we’re once again reminded that summer is just around the corner, and with it comes the blazing sun. We’re used to hearing about how too much of the sun’s warm rays can be harmful to your skin. But did you know that the right balance of sunlight can have great benefits? When it comes to senior’s health, we all want easy answers. Here are 3 key benefits of those UVB rays and how they can help you. 

Sunlight Benefits

Supports bone health

Crucial to bone health, vitamin D helps the body absorb and effectively use calcium.  When UVB rays come in contact with skin, they interact with proteins in our body to produce D and D3 essential vitamins. While many can get D3 or Vitamin D from supplements and diet, sunlight can be the best form for natural absorption. Vitamin D promotes calcium absorption and aids in bone growth and remodeling, even in older age. Without sufficient vitamin D, bones can become thin, brittle, or misshapen. If you or your loved ones are facing the prospect of orthopedic surgery, making sure to maintain a healthy Vitamin D balance can help aid in a successful operation. 

Strengthening your immune system 

Now more than ever, our immune systems have been battling the onset of diseases and viruses. This past year has taught us that while quarantining has been beneficial for keeping us healthy and away from COVID, our bodies are taking a toll. It’s time to step out into the fresh air and boost the antibodies our body needs in order to fight off infection. Consistent exposure to sunlight, in smaller increments, can reduce the risk of illness and infections. Our white blood cells contain activating enzymes and vitamin D receptors that keep our immune system healthy and balanced. Low levels of vitamin D have also been associated with worsening autoimmune diseases.

Mental health and mood booster 

Exposure to UVB rays can cause human skin to produce beta-endorphins, hormones responsible for reducing pain. Sunlight also cues special areas in the retina, which triggers the release of serotonin. In case you’re urging for a serotonin boost, it’s recommended not to stare into the sun directly and wear proper eye protection. Serotonin is known for improving ones’ mood and helping you stay calm and focused. Increased exposure to natural light may also ease the symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder- a change in mood that typically occurs in the fall and winter months where there are fewer hours of daylight. 

Things to consider 

While sunlight can be beneficial, it’s key to remember to wear proper eye protection and sunscreen when being exposed. Excess sunlight can contribute to varying skin cancers. Practice healthy moderation and those benefits will outweigh the risks. A good guideline to follow is to ensure that seniors receive 5-10 minutes of sunlight 2-3 times a week. This is the recommended amount needed to produce healthy amounts of vitamin D. It is also low enough to minimize risks of skin cancer. Stay healthy and go catch those rays.

To learn more about sun exposure and how Friends Care Community can help your loved ones stay safe, be sure to give us a call at (937) 319-8924.